Resist create change.

Conversations that reckon with tension, incite action & effect change

I engage change-makers in deep conversations that grapple with difficult questions. Through interactive sessions for conferences, companies, and the classroom, we delve into the inherent tensions and essential actions of moral courage, stakeholder capitalism, business activism, and future-oriented leadership. While lectures can outline concepts, bold and captivating conversations make them come alive.

Participants become activators. Activators are the new leaders. Join me in action.

“Jon is a rare combination: eminently rational, humanistic, curious, and ethical in his approaches to leadership and entrepreneurial management. His work exemplifies the deep moral courage it takes to create authentic relationships and valued organizations. He inspires us to ask tough questions about life and business so that together we can build a truly good society. We are all lucky to have him as a teacher and mentor." 



Topics & talks for change-makers

5 Courageous Truths for Business Leaders

A generational shift is underway as younger generations expect business leaders to say and do more. For example, 64% of Millennials say they want CEOs to take on policy changes without waiting for the government to act. The lines between business and society are increasingly blurred, and stakeholder capitalism must elevate the interests of employees, the environment, and local communities alongside shareholders.

This session outlines 5 courageous truths and explores how they each impact business leaders. A new leadership model of moral courage emerges to navigate a contemporary business ethos and guide companies with a sense of meaningful activism and citizenship. 

Resolving the 3 Tensions of Social Enterprise

Leaders of progressive business models engage the usual demands of growth and profit while adding the necessity of a social mission. While profit and purpose create tension, leading organizational and societal change generates friction, too. An added pressure is leading at the intersection of business and society.

What is the best way to resolve these 3 tensions? We will facilitate a conversation on these tensions, challenges, and consider decision criteria and leadership skills for successful social enterprises.

The Generational Shift toward Stakeholder Capitalism

A generational shift in business toward social entrepreneurship and stakeholder capitalism is underway.

What is propelling these changes, and what are potential impacts? This session explores the driving forces behind a generational demand for betterment. Included in the discussion will be the leadership implications on ethics and moral courage.

What began as a presentation quickly turned into a highly energized discussion between Dr. Jon Mertz and Emory & Henry College business students. Almost as soon as he defined the concept of stakeholder capitalism to them, these students, who engage deeply in community service and leadership, were captivated by the potential for businesses to contribute more significantly and positively to humanity. Jon enlarged their understanding of the evolution of capitalism from Adam Smith until today while demonstrating in practical ways the timeless application of capitalism and business leadership to the common good. College students need more exposure to and inspiration from the concepts that Dr. Mertz so clearly illuminates.
— Dirk Moore, Executive Director, McGlothlin Center for the Arts, Emory & Henry College

CEO, Employee & Corporate Activism: A Conversation on Dilemmas & Decisions

56% of Millennials believe CEOs and business leaders need to engage on hotly debated issues – and CEOs are heeding the call, taking on issues of social justice, homelessness, and gun safety. Meanwhile, employees are holding CEOs and business leaders accountable on matters of equity, sexual harassment, and the role of technology in society. In the middle, moral dilemmas arise while decisions need to be made, and customers and employees expect CEOs to use their voice to shape public discourse.

How should business leader and employee activism be pursued or tempered? Our conversation will explore situations and frameworks to use leadership, moral courage, and philosophy to resolve business and societal tensions.

“Jon cultivates an eclectic, welcoming, and motivated community with his Future of Work meetups in Santa Fe. He sparks new connections between participants, and inspires everyone to reimagine our relationship with business and community. His guidance is a highlight of my year.”


 Conversations for change-makers.

Get in touch to discuss a session for your team, association, or podcast.