Maintain change the status quo.

Future-oriented insight for leaders & change-makers:

Leadership Jon Mertz Leadership Jon Mertz

Is betterment the end?

What is the end goal when we act? We need a philosophy of betterment. Motives must be evaluated based on how our decisions and actions better those who are unlike us. Our conversations need to focus on what we are trying to achieve based on a moral and ethical standard.

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Leadership Jon Mertz Leadership Jon Mertz

Being a leader of conscience

What does a leader of conscience mean? It begins with character to avoid distorted values with a centered focus on virtues of humanity. A leader of conscience engages in community conversations and identifies what virtues to act upon in the choices being made.

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Jon Mertz Jon Mertz

The Kant standard for leaders

While our leadership standards seem to be faltering, we need the grit to lift them. Moral worth is a starting point. While leaders need to check their choices and actions, employees and citizens need to activate accountability too. What is the moral worth of your leadership?

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Leadership Jon Mertz Leadership Jon Mertz

What does "love one another" mean anymore?

Leadership and love are two concepts that are not often intermixed. However, love fits with transformational leadership, and it engages empathy with a call to do the right thing. Intersecting business and society requires a dose of love to empower better leadership, moral behavior, and integrative empathy.

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Jon Mertz Jon Mertz

Stalemate is not stability

Adaptability is an essential leadership skill, and this capability fits well with a new model for resolving conflict in social relations. Leaders need to avoid stalemate, which can trigger a sense of resentment. We need betterment within our populism, especially within stakeholder capitalism.

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Jon Mertz Jon Mertz

CEO activism needs a modern-day blueprint

Over fifty years ago, Lewis Powell wrote a memo for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce outlining the importance of political power for business leaders. Through time, we understand the political power of business leaders, and now CEO activism is a modern take on it. We need a modern-day Powell memo to inspire more business leaders to take on issues of social and environmental importance. It is a new day for stakeholder capitalism.

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Jon Mertz Jon Mertz

Losing the soul of leadership and followership

Losing the soul of leadership and followership happens when dishonesty prevails. Integrity disappears, and destructive behaviors accelerate. Leaders and followers have a responsibility to each other. Honesty and integrity are the soul of good leadership.

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Jon Mertz Jon Mertz

A revival of virtues through CEO activism

CEO activism may be uncomfortable for many, yet it seems necessary when other institutions are weakened through dishonest rhetoric and actions. The future direction of CEO activism should focus on virtue ethics, reinforcing civic and business leadership.

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Jon Mertz Jon Mertz

All companies have a social impact

The co-founders at Basecamp miss the realization that every company has a social impact. Ignoring it will not lessen organizational tensions or raise productivity. Instead, leaders need to broaden perspectives for better decisions and social cohesion at the intersection of business and society.

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Leadership Jon Mertz Leadership Jon Mertz

Leadership vacancies

What is the role of willpower in leadership? When CEOs take active stands against voter restrictions, it may not be a comfortable action but necessary when political leadership vacancies arise. Leadership willpower is required.

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Ethics Jon Mertz Ethics Jon Mertz

Considering those unlike me

Walk in another's shoes is more than a simple platitude. It is embedded in different philosophies. On the surface, the phrase crystallizes empathy. Activating the philosophy requires deeply visualizing another's perspective when making decisions at the intersection of business and society.

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Ethics Jon Mertz Ethics Jon Mertz

The unself brand

Morality requires a shift in branding from self to stakeholders. A new corporate morality is emerging, setting an example of positive moral authority to prevent selfish power grabs and call on us to do what is right for the many rather than a few.

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What’s on my bookshelf

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